Vector Art

Vector graphics allows styles widely known in graphics design for quite a long time. It is very popular for commercial use, such as in logos, labels, icons, widgets and advertisements. These designs are generally flat, but near realistic designs gain popularity with the advent of digital vector art.

In this section I try to concentrate more in the creative portion of the work I have been doing about vector graphics, giving some samples, and explaining in few words how they were produced, as well as what have inspired them. I try to not be too technical, giving priority to simplicity, easy of use, focusing on smart details, and not drowning into long discourses. I'm not a professional designer by any means. My background is mostly scientific, but all my work is greatly influenced by graphics design. The goal of this section is to show this influence in my professional life, apart from my technical expertise.

I start with some of beer labels I created for my prior brewery, followed by icons, illustrations, designs, etc. In some of these examples I explain the steps taken on the creation as well as their inspiration. A more complete list can be found on my Vector Art Github repository.

Beer Labels Designs

All these beer labels were designed entirely from scratch, from their names until the last details of the label. Giving attractive and fun names is often a good strategy for maketing a product. Combining with modern, unusual, and attractive artwork can easily boost product acceptability. Here are some samples of the creativity involved in these designs at the list on the left and below:

These labels were created using a mixture of techniques and tools. One of these tools, used in the design above, was Inkscape, a portable (doesn't require installation, it runs from an USB key or an SD card) open source vector graphics editor. Some other labels were developed using PostScript, a vector graphics language developed by Adobe. The advantage of PostScript is that vector designs can be typed on a text editor. Once the file is typed it can be visualized using Ghostscript, an open source Postscript interpreter and visualizer. Once the design is finished one can generate a PDF file that can be printed or imported. Nowadays, most designs I develop are using Illustrator, a vector graphics editor written by Adobe.

Technical Illustrations

Vector graphics really excels in technical illustrations. Below I show a realistic technical illustration of a data structure called octree. The correspondence between the octree and its representation in space is shown. The space is recursively subdivided in eight equal sized regions called octants. These octants are represented and contiguously stored in arrays with eight positions as shown on right. If the octant is not empty it points to another array of eight positions and so forth until the last level is reached. On the lower right corner, the coordinates of the voxel nearer to the observer in a space with resolution 32³ (the space represented in this octree) are placed in a table to show how their bits are grouped to form an index in the array at each of its five levels. In this way one can convert indexes to coordinates and vice-versa.

Realistic designs

Realistic designs can be simple and can even recall sketches. A good example are the drawings in Tintin's comic books. The icon on the left I created on Illustrator by doing a "stencil copy" by hand of comic book panel on the right:


The design of icons is similar to any vector design except that it is expected that the icon will be seen with a quite small size, and, thus, it has to be sufficiently thick and not very detailed in order to be distiguishable when shown with smaller sizes. This is also applicable to any other objects that will appear with a small size.

Minimalist Icons

Minimalist icons are quite popular nowadays probably because they allow to represent something in a very simple and elegant way. This collection of about 600 icons are examples using wireframe-like designs that can be used in a wide variety of projects. Their versatility is also a strong advantage of this kind of icon design.

The icon of this page

The icons symbolizing the contents of most pages in this site as well as the first page design were all inspired by the "4 options vector created by rorozoa". Even though nearly the whole original design was a good fit here, the forth option was not quite adequate for this page. The design of the new item was created from scratch by applying the same technique used in the previous items. Also a new icon to symbolize Vector Art was conceived and shown on the left.

The resulting icon matches well with the other icon designs for its simplicity, even though this design is not completely "flat" like the others. The painter's palette is shown in perspective and the brush has an almost unperceptive hidden line removal to indicate that the brush is in front. Above, the original design. Below, the one used with small sizes.

Pop stack icon example

The design on the left was inspired in the icon of the website Stackoverflow. It was developed in Postscript to be used in the MenuInfographics6 menu example written in Java. The icon was converted from PostScript to Java using this tool I have writen in PostScript. The icon indicates a pop operation on a stack.