Research In this section, a list of previous selected research work in computer graphics area, published in scientific journals, books and international conferences is shown. This research work is, among other domains, in ray-tracing, 3D visualization, voxelization, robust voxelization, octree, 3D rendering, implicit surfaces, point rendering, interval arithmetic, and parallel processing. Recent research and development work in 2D vector graphics to use in Graphics User Interfaces is explained here and detailed in the next sections. Tech Writing In this section, a list of my recent authored texts in the tech area, many published on Substack, is shown. Clicking on an entry redirects to a new page containing the full text. This material mostly deals with some stories about my professional experiences, as well as views in the Computer Science area in general, such as, but not limited to, algorithms, programming languages, etc. This is more general and not as formal as my scientific articles in Research. Vector GUIs The main idea proposed in this site is to use basic vector graphics primitives to create Graphics User Interfaces that can be used everywhere, with no or little need of code modification as a way to obtain portability and compatibility among quite different screen resolutions. Afterfewdecennialsof experienceinvectorgraphics and observing that these basic primitives look very much alike, the idea that the same design could be very easily converted to other platforms became quite clear. Automatic code generation becomes also a possibility.
Vector Art Vector graphics allows styles widely known in graphics design for quite a long time. It is very popular for commercial use, such as in logos, labels and advertisements. These designs are generally flat, but near realistic designs gain popularity with the advent of digital vector art. Here are some of vector creations of mine in beer labels (for my prior brewery), icons, illustrations, designs, etc. In some of these examples I explain the steps taken on the creation as well as their inspiration. A more complete list can be found on my Github . Freebies This section is dedicated to Open Source software I have written and that are offered for free under GNU Lesser Public License. The software is offered as is and it’s by no means guaranteed and not subject to any claims concerning prejudices of any form. It’s the responsibility of the users to check the source code. The software is free from malicious code, but users must judge its usefulness and its safety by themselves. The programming languages used in each program are indicated as well as the link to the GitHub repository and a description of what the program does. Examples This section is dedicated to examples of vector graphics use on the web as well as on desktops, mobiles, and embedded. Section under contruction where I show some methods and technologies I have experimented with user interfaces built with vector graphics primitives. It started with Java, then JS with HTML 5 Canvas, JS with SVG, etc. Nowadays, experimental use of GPU shaders is also going on. Many more examples can be seen in my GitHub repositories which includes my work with vector fonts using PDFBox, FreeHEP and JS to parse fonts offline.